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  May 20, Sunday, 2007


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Before you can hack....

Before you can hack u must download and install the english version of ArtMoney freeware from......... www.artmoney.ru

Basic Hacking: Written by $lauter / AKA (OLD) Dirty

You must download and install ArtMoney before you can begin. Use the above link to do so. Also you must be in your own game. Now lets get to know ArtMoney. Open ArtMoney and put a check in the box to agree with the terms and conditions of the licence agreement. And click ok.

There are only three buttons that you need to use in the main ArtMoney window. Search and filter/top left of window. And the red add arrow/left center of window.

Leave ArtMoney open and open Throne of Darkness as well. You can switch from the game to ArtMoney by pressing ctrl and f12 at the same time. Ok lets do this. 

Damage Hacking:

You Must be wearing at least two pieces of armor to do this. We will begin by searching for your armor class. So press c to bring up the stats window in your game. Then look where it says armor class and remember the number. Then press ctrl and f12 to bring up ArtMoney. Click on the search button then enter your armor class in the value line of the window that pops up and click ok.


 When it is done searching click ok and go back to the game. Take one piece of armor off. Then press (C) to bring up your stats window again. Your armor class number will be different. Go back to ArtMoney and filter the new number.

 When it is done filtering look to see how many results that there are. Then click ok. If there is more than one result. Go back to the game and put the piece of armor back on and filter your armor class again. The object is to have only one result. Once you have only one result you can add it to the right side of the ArtMoney table by clicking on the result to highlight it. And clicking the red add arrow to add it. After you add the result right click on it then click on edit. A window will pop up.              


In this window all you have to worry about is the address and the value.



 You can scroll through the addresses by using the up and down arrows next to the address line.


And down  

Scroll up 168 clicks. You will see 100 in the value line. You need to change that 100 to 9999999 / 7 9's. Then click ok. Then go back to the game and check your stats. Your damage is hacked. If it isn't, you didn't follow these instructions properly.

Speed Hacking:

Speed hacking is the same as damage hacking. Find your armor class by searching and filtering until you have just one result. Add the result to the right side. Then right click on it and click edit. Instead of scrolling up 168 clicks. You have to scroll down 56 clicks. You will see 181 in the value line. Change that 181 to 9999 / 4 9's. Then click ok. Then right click the line again and click edit. Scroll down 4 clicks. You will see 100 in the value line. Change it to 9999 and click ok. Right click the line and edit again. Scroll down 4 clicks. You will see 100 in the value line. Change that 100 to 9999. Then click ok. Right click and edit the line a third time and scroll down 4 clicks. You will see 100 in the value line again. Change it to 9999 and click ok. Then right click and edit one last time. Scroll down 4 clicks. You will see 100 in the value line once again. Change it to 9999 and click ok. Your speed is hacked and you are done. If you don't want to be that fast. Leave the 181 alone and only change the 100's.

Experience/Level Hacking: 

Just the same as the others you have to find your armor class by searching and filtering. Once you find your armor class. Add it to the right. Right click and edit. Go up 56 clicks and then just click ok. Then instead of right clicking and editing. Just change the value rite there on that line to fffffffff / 9 f's. it will go back to it's original number. But don't worry. Go back the the game and every guy you kill will give you one level and full health & ki. It will take you to level 103. Then go back to ArtMoney. Right click and edit that same line. Go down 4 clicks and change that value to 257 and NO HIGHER! Then you will be at level 257. Make sure you get to level 103 before you do the 257. Or you wont have any spell points. Done! PS: If you want raise your stat points. Scroll up 12 clicks from the 257 and change that value to 2000. Then you can max all your stats. But don't take any above 450. Don't say I didn't worn you.

General Information:

As you can see. Everything above can be done on that one armor class line. As you get better at it you will only have to search and filter your armor class one time and do it all from that one line. If you want to do it all on that one line. You have to do it in the order that I wrote it on this page. Don't say I didn't worn you.

Hacking Armor and Weapons:

Ok rest your cursor on the armor or weapon that you want to hack. Then look for where it says Dur. It will look something like this. (Dur 10/20) You want to search the left side of that Dur. So if your Dur is 10/20. You will want to search 10. Then go back to the game and repair the item. After you repair it it will be 20/20. Then go back to ArtMoney and filter 20. If you still have more than one result. You must go back to the game and damage that item. With a sword you have to hit things to damage it. With a bow or thrown weapon of any kind. You can just shoot them into the air to damage them. With armor you have to let things hit you to damage it. When I say damage I mean the left Dur will go down. Once you have damaged the item. Go back to ArtMoney and filter the new number. Repeat these steps until you have only one result. Then add that result to the right side of the ArtMoney table. Then right click and edit that line. change the value that you are on to 999999999/9 9's then click ok. Then right click and edit that line again. Go up 4 clicks and change that value to 2100000000 and click ok. This puts your Dur at 999999999/2100000000. Now right click and edit that line again. Go down 8 clicks and change that number to 999999999/9 9's. This will put the ac on that item at 999999999. Now right click and edit that line again. Go up 12 clicks. Change that number to 100 or anything below 100. If you change it to 100. You will have 100 of that item. I wouldn't advise going above 100. Because carrying to many hacked items in your inventory can freeze your account. Don't say I didn't worn you. Ok, now this is where it gets dangerous! DON'T do this part if the item you are hacking has already been customized! It will definitely freeze your account. Don't say I didn't worn you. If the item has not yet been customized. Right click and edit that line again. Go up 4 clicks and change that value to 32 and NO HIGHER! As it will freeze your account. Then click ok. This puts your magic slots at 32. And you are done.

Spell Hacking:

This is where we need those spell points that I was talking about earlier. Now, in the game. Press (S), This will bring up your spells window. On the bottom of that window there are 4 spell categories. Fire,Water,Earth and lightning. You can switch from one to the other by clicking the appropriate tab at the bottom of the spells window. There is one spell that you don't want to mess with. It is an earth spell called (IMPENETRABLE). If you take that one above 0. You will not be able to find your armor class with ArtMoney again. Take the spells that you want to hack up to level 1. After you get them to level 1. Pick the one that you want to start with as you can only do them one at a time. Note: Most commonly hacked spells are > Ki Barrier, Icy Barrier, Flame Barrier, Lightning Shield, Suido, Ice Blade and Kanji. Ki Barrier is hacked to 99955. The Icy Barrier, Flame Barrier, and Lightning Shield are all hacked to 2100000000. Kanji is hacked to 1977999799. Suido is hacked to 633333333. Now the spell that you want to start on should be at level 1. Go to ArtMoney and search 1. Then click ok. Go back to the game and raise the spell to level 2. then go filter 2. Repeat this until you have only one result. Sometimes your spell will max out and you will only be able to get it as low as 2 or 3 results. It is an Integer 4 that you need to add and change. If there is more than one Integer 4. Add and edit one. If it isn't the rite one change it back and add and edit the other one. Note: There are other numbers that you can use for these spells. Aswell as other numbers for other spells. You may see one of our clan members in a game while you are playing. If you ask them for a number for a spell. They may or may not give it to you. Don't be disappointed if they don't. Just ask another day. If they trust you they will tell you.

Gold Duplication:

Go to ArtMoney and search for the amount of gold that you have. Then click ok. Then go back to the game and drop some of the gold. Then back to  and filter the new amount. Repeat until you only have one result. Add that result to the right side of the artmoney table. Right click and edit. Then change that value to 999999999 / 9 9's. Then click ok. No need to go any higher than that as it could go negative or freeze your account. Don't say I didn't worn you.

Component Duplication:

You must have at least 2 components for this to work. If you have 2. Then go to artmoney and search for 2 and click ok. Then go back to the game and drop one of them. Then go back to artmoney and filter 1 and click ok. Then go back to the game and pick it back up. Then back to artmoney to filter 2 and click ok. Repeat until you only have one result. Add, right click and edit that result. Then change that value to 9999 / 4 9's. No need to go any higher to that. Like I said earlier, to many items in your inventory can freeze your account. Don't say I didn't worn you.

Good Luck !






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